Your Guide to Mind Mapping with Stormboard

Mind mapping is a visual way to generate ideas, collect knowledge, and organize your content in order to get better clarity on a concept or problem. 

What is a Mind Map?

A mind map is a form of brainstorming that allows you to organize your information into a visual structure, or map, that helps make sense of your ideas and analyze your content. This type of diagram is also supposed to help with recall. 

This process essentially helps you create a visual of what is going on in your brain. According to, “A Mind Map can turn a long list of monotonous information into a colorful, memorable and highly organized diagram that works in line with your brain's natural way of doing things.” 

While the idea of creating visual diagrams has been around for centuries; British psychology author Tony Buzan is considered to be the creator of the Mind Map in the form that it is used today. 

Why should I use Mind Mapping? 

If you are looking for a way to get a bunch of information out of your brain and on a page in a creative way, then Mind Mapping is a great technique for you to use. It will help you organize your thoughts, find connections between ideas, and enhance your problem-solving. 

There are many uses for this technique, including: 

  • Brainstorming 

  • Visualizing ideas

  • Running effective meetings

  • Outlining reports or presentations

  • Giving a high-level look at a task or project

  •  Creating essay outlines

  • Taking notes during a seminar or presentation

  • Problem-solving

  • Planning

How do you create a Mind Map? 

While every Mind Map is unique to the people creating it, they all have a similar organizational structure.

  • The main focus sits at the center of your Mind Map.  

  • Then, the solutions, ideas, themes, etc., branch off from the center in different directions. 

  • Next, other ideas that support the main branches are added on using additional lines. 

Mind Mapping with Stormboard

To create a Mind Map in Stormboard, begin with a blank template. Name your Storm, and your template section — you can always change the name or add sections to the template later if you want. 

Create a text or image sticky note to represent your main theme and place it in the middle of the section. 

Brainstorm your solutions or ideas that will branch off of the main them and add them to the section. Connect them to the main theme using connector lines. You can also change the color or shape of the notes to represent different topics. 

Continue to add your supporting ideas, connecting them with connector lines as you go. 


Tips for creating awesome Mind Maps

  • Add images, sketches, videos, text, and whatever else you need to in order to get your ideas across. 

  • Use different colors to represent different concepts or ideas. 

  • Make sure to create connections between your ideas. 

  • Keep your text as brief as you can.

  • Make sure there is space between your ideas (you can resize your Stormboard template section as many times as you want!)

  • Don’t worry about being perfect — this is a brainstorming activity, so the goal is to just get everything mapped out so that you can analyze and organize it after the Mind Map is created. 

Are you interested in using Stormboard for Mind Mapping? Sign-up for a FREE trial now!

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