New to Remote Work? Stormboard Is Here To Help

If you find yourself working 100% remotely for the first time, you’re not alone. We have seen a massive increase in interest in Stormboard over the last week, and we want you to know that we are here to help. 

We understand that keeping your team aligned and productive is top of mind right now as you are transitioning to working from home. It is more important than ever to collaborate effectively and make communication and the sharing of ideas as easy as possible in order to continue to move your work forward. 

Stormboard is helping thousands of people every day maintain the continuity of their meetings and workshops. Our number one goal is to make sure that no matter where your team members are located, you are able to capture, organize, and discuss ideas, and stay connected to all of your coworkers.

We are committed to supporting you through this phase of your work, continuing to deliver high-quality, secure, and reliable service.

We have implemented a work-from-home policy for our employees, and are continuing to comply with all of our SOC 2 policies during this time. All of our employees have secure access to all systems from their locations, and we have business continuity and disaster recovery plans to ensure our company, and yours, continue to run smoothly.

Online resources are available to you at any time, including our Help Center, and Stormboard Academy, customer support, training, and more to make sure moving online is as seamless as possible.

The Stormboard Team is working hard to get new teams up-and-running as quickly as they can, and will be adding more resources over the next week and posting regular blogs to inspire your remote work going forward — so stay tuned!

We know how powerful it can be when teams come together despite fast-changing, dynamic situations—we are here to help. 

Reg Cheremy, CEO

New to Stormboard? Sign-up for a 30-day free trial to see how we can help you connect with your team now!


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