Bring Focus to Your Collaboration Sessions with Section Spotlight and Laser Pointer

Stormboard feature launch for section spotlight and laser pointer

Ever wish you could bring the attention of other users to certain areas of your Storm? Now you can use the Laser Pointer to draw attention to certain objects & areas or use the Section Spotlight feature to highlight a specific section of your Storm for all users.

Both new features help to enhance your collaboration experience, eliminate distractions, and ensure that no great ideas go unseen!


Section Spotlight

Available on Enterprise subscriptions

Focus the attention of users in your Storm on a specific section by using the new Section Spotlight feature! Whether you are presenting, working through an outline, or running a collaboration session, Section Spotlight makes it easier for everyone to be on the same page and eliminates distractions.

Note: This feature is limited to Storm Administrators

To start a spotlight:

  1. Click the ‘Customize this Section’ icon in the top right of a section header.

  2. Click ‘Spotlight Section.’ This will focus the position of all Storm users on that section. You will only be able to collaborate and add/move ideas within the spotlighted area.

Move a spotlight to a different section:

  1. Any section that is not currently being spotlighted will have the ‘Customize this Section’ icon replaced with a ‘Move Spotlight’ icon. Click this to move the spotlight to a different section.

Two ways to stop a spotlight:

  1. Once a section spotlight is started, a floating button will appear above that section that says ‘Stop.’ Click this to stop the spotlight (see GIF above).

  2. Alternatively, you can click the ‘Customize this Section’ icon on the spotlighted section and select ‘Stop Spotlight’ from the menu.

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Laser Pointer

Available on Enterprise subscriptions

The new Laser Pointer feature is not only fun to use, but it allows you to bring the attention of other users to certain objects or areas of your Storm template.

To activate the laser pointer cursor, press and hold the X key on your keyboard

Holding the X key will automatically activate the laser pointer cursor, simply move your mouse while holding the key to bring attention to different areas of your Storm. The laser pointer will be visible to all users in your Storm. 

To stop the laser pointer and return to your normal cursor, simply release the X key.

Change the color of the laser pointer:

Why stop at red? We’ve added 5 different laser colors to choose from!

  1. Click on the 'Actions' icon in the bottom menu of your Storm.

  2. Click on 'Laser Pointer'.

  3. A dialog will open allowing you to select a different laser color.

  4. Click the 'Done' button in the dialog to save your changes.

Note: The laser color you select will be unique to you. The default color is red.

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Shifting Perspective Part III: Putting Qualitative Data To Work


Shifting Perspective Part II: The Importance of Ideas in Data Maturity